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That alone speaks volumes about the need for understanding whiplash injuries and all that is associated with it.The capsules of the facet joints, which are ligamentous bags surrounding the joints, are very sensitive to stretch and when injured do not permit the person to move into the injured ranges, limiting their ability to move the neck.The movement will occur in extremely short time
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The Quebeck Task force (QTF) divides whiplash into five categories, namely: Grade 0, 1, 2, 3 and Each one differs from the other in terms of levels of suffering.Symptoms Regarding Whiplash Injury

According to the statistics, around 480000 people of the UK claimed compensation for whiplash in the year 22 That amounts to 77% of the total motor insurance claims of the country.Stiffness of the neck is the second main symptom, with varying limitation of neck ranges of motion depending on the severity of the original injury.But be aware of the ones that cost hidden fees.The last grade implies neck pain associated with dislocation or fracture and/or injury to spinal cord.Grade 2 points to neck pain and point tenderness in the neck with decreased range of motion.Disturbance of the sensory func

Whiplash is a type of injury to the spinal cord due to sudden movement of one’s head, either backward or forward.Other symptoms which can present include muscle weakness in one or both arms, mainly secondary to the pain which stops the vigorous use of the arms but there can be a direct effect with nerve damage or inflammation which may make a particular muscle or muscles weaker than expected.Grade 0 implies no neck pain, no stiffness and no physical sign of any kind.

There are various variations of whiplash compensations and whiplash claims and the best way to deal with these things is to contact a professional claim solicitor.
